Tau Kua He Chi Medan

This is one of Medan's favourite food. It really is a sweet and sour gravy on top mix seafood and vegetable, but that refreshing taste is very moreish. To be honest there aren't many hawker's selling this special Medan dish compare to mee pansit. Some time we have to drive for miles to go to this special place that sell this tau kua he chi.

This recipe really is about making the gravy, the rest is easy (blancing and deep frying). The sauce / gravy isn't difficult to make (though every one has their own secret recipe)  its just the preparation for the condiments is rather fiddly that makes people decide to buy instead of making it at home, but really... once you have time make this gravy in large amount and keep away in the freezer (do it in portions) it will keep well and ready to use any time.

I use pineapple to make the sour taste as well as nice fragrant, I do think it is better then the one without. I also like to put salt and a bit of garlic on the tofu than rolled into flour, it is tastier and crispy.

This dish should be served while the condiments its just prepared or cooked except the prawn crisp (peyek udang) that you can make earlier since it is a bit complicated making them, they will go slightly soft after a while because of the wet prawns, but they do need to reheat or refry to make crispier.

Bahan Saus / Gravy ingredients

Ingredients A

1  bawang bombay, rajang halus
1 onion, sliced

3 bawang putih memarkan
3 cloves garlic, bruised

300 gr tomat merah, potong-potong
300 gr very ripe tomatoes, chopped

300 gr nenas cincang
300 gr pineappled, chopped

6 sdm saus tomat (saya pakai Delmonte)
6 tbsp tomato sauce (I use Delmonte)

3 sdm gula, atau secukupnya
3 tbsp sugar or to taste

garam dan merica secukupnya
salt and pepper to taste

2.5 - 3 L air 
2.5 - 3 L water

Ingredients B

200 gr nenas cincang
200 gr pineaplle, chopped

2 - 3 sdm tepung maizena, larutkan dalam sedikit air
2 - 3 tbsp corn starch, dissolve in water

Bahan Isi / The condiments

Kepiting (rajungan kecil), goreng tepung
Small blue swimming crab, fried in batter

Udang besar goreng tepung
Large prawns, fried in batter

udang sedang untuk peyek
small - medium size prawn, made into crackers

1 ikat kangkung, rebus sampai masak
1 bunch of morning glory, boil until ready

200 gr tauge, celur
200 gr bean sprout, blanched

Sambal cabe rawit
birds eye chilli sauce

Cara Membuat / Preparation

Kuah / the gravy

Didihkan air, masukkan semua bahan untuk saus . Biarkan mendidih selama kira-kira 10 menit, kecilkan api dan lanjutkan merebus selama kira-lira satu jam atau sampai air berkurang menjadi 2 - 2.5 L.
Bring water to a boil, put all ingredients for gravy and continue to cooke for 10 minutes, simmer for another 1 hour or until the tomato is softened or the water has reduced to 2 - 2.5 L

Masukkan kembali air tomat ke dalam panci, masukkan tepung maizena yang sudah dilarutkan aduk rata, kembali didihkan sampai kuah mengental. Gunakan 2 sendok makan kalau suka kuah agak encer, 3 sdm kalau suka lebih kental.
Put the tomato stock back in the pot, add in the dissolved corn starch, mix well and bring back to a boil, the gravy now should thickened. If you prefer the gravy slightly runny use 2 tbsp of corn starch but if you wish thicker use 3 tbsp.

Kuah sudah siap dipergunakan. 
The gravy is now ready to use.
